Wednesday--8Feb17: The work of Ted Loder has often been a sustaining series of moments in my own life, as his poetry reaches deep down into my own soul. It has often taken me to better places, necessary places in the midst of both the highs and lows of life. From his book, My Heart In My Mouth: Prayers For Our Lives, I found this that has nurtured my own soul in some difficult moments. I hope and pray the same for you. (74+249)
We Dare To Ask________________________________
We ask only a few things more, O God,
a few small, mustard-seed size, faithful, saving things
to walk with you in each moment
without plotting for tomorrow,
and so to really consider the birds of the air,
the lilies of the field,
and find the treasures hidden
in the round of the daily;
to learn by leaning into your Spirit
to be present to others without preoccupation,
to engage without having to win,
to disagree without being judgmental,
to accept outcomes without despair
to succeed or fail without misplacing hope,
to tune to the bracing hum of the stars,
to fathom enough
without dismissing fathomless mystery
of your creation, our brothers and sisters,
and the grace and mercy and power
of your embrace that holds close,
each small one of us,
and everything all together:
in Jesus name,
...sunrise this morning, welcoming a new day to to be fully alive.......