Monday--20Feb17 For some crazy reason, waking up at an earlier time than normal today, that line from a very old TV series, Dragnet, was a byline of Sargent Joe Friday, the lead character, played by Jack Webb. The series began wAy back in the last century on the radio in 1949, then progressed to a TV series in 1951 that lasted, off and on, into the very beginning of this century.
As a young lad who was born in 1942, I found the series both entertaining and riveting in my early youth, all the way into younger adulthood. Now, as an older man, fast approaching 75, I yearn for facts to be accurate in our world that seems to be slipping into a world of personal impressions to simply beat out the other guy.
What has happened to truth? "Truth" today, in too many places, seems to be too often made up to justify ones own need for power, influence, fame, domination, etc. I've even heard the phrase recently, that seems to show up in some form in every generation, what is "true truth?"
The emerging leaders I've the sacred privilege of mentoring, of a wide range of ages (18--64), beginning with those I term 'magnificent millennials', are hungry to be nurtured by truth that they can live out in every dimension of their own lives. Those men and women are forming their futures based on truth that will help change this world in ways it drastically needs to change.
This week, and into the near future, I want to speak up about some facts that matter. I do not expect 100 percent agreement. That is one of the respected values of our country...we can agree to disagree. But there are some thoughts zipping around in this olde soul that I long to share. Thus...stay tuned. (74+261)