It’s time.
Frankly, it’s overdue, with regard to time.
I am declaring a “war” on certain words and phrases.
This war within has been building for some time now. I can “blame” it on a good, long time friend*** who, years back, got right in my face to challenge me on why do I even use those words/phrases.
His was an act of both courage and great caring for how I communicate. I gave him permission to get in my face. He obliged. I am grateful to this moment in time for his serious, life-enhancing coaching, concern and care.
What are those words and phrases?
Do not read further unless you are sincerely ready to change, for the better, your own ways of thinking, speaking, communicating. This will not be easy. But the journey to clearer communication, even in the most casual of conversations, right into the most serious and important conversation you may be having, those words have just gotta go.
Yes! Indeed…….!!!
No doubt, you can add to this list. I would welcome hearing about that from you at your convenience. I will do my best to not use these in your presence, whether written or in person. I ask, with care and honest concern for how you also communicate, that you take the challenge and learn to avoid them as well.
Here we go…………………
…and such
I realize that every language in the universe does have it’s shorthanded way of communication. Preciseness does have it’s proper place. “Slangeuage” is fun to use from time to time when we are feeling relaxed and a bit goofy.
However, good men and women of the 21st Century, stellar leaders continually in the making, attention to your language, spoken and written, is crucial to healthy communication between you, and those you care about the most, as well as the stranger you may meet today in your town or an an airplane to somewhere. You do want to be a clear communicator throughout your days, don’t you, whether in your work or having fun with family and/or friends?!?
There is not a person I know (and all those I don’t know…) but what they need help with this. Honestly, the need for help begins with me, too. Therefore, when you hear me use any one of those words or phrases, check me on it. Seriously.
Please. And thank you!
With your permission, I will do the same for you. When you and I are trying to communicate clearly, those are empty words that sincerely take us no where…as in nada nowhere…for our listeners or for ouselves.
Or kinda said another way with this kind of stuff, when you and I are kinda trying to communicate some important stuff, we need to sorta realize that the sloppy things we say to others in any setting, when we coulda and shoulda been intentionally more clear (right?!!…) will help us communicate better, and such, to those with whom we are sorta sharing something life-enhancing that woulda made some difference if we had only been kinda more clear.
Right? OK? Hey! Wake up!! I’m talking to you!!! Don’t zone out on me when I’m kinda sharing some important thoughts with you to sorta encourage our friendship and work together, and such, on this planet where we coulda done, and can sorta yet do, better than we’ve done.
Right? OK!
By now I sorta hope you get the picture of this war on these words. Ooooops! Pardon me. Big time. I sincerely hope you do get the picture of this war on words.
My good friend***, who is still my good friend, cared enough to get right in my face, in front of others, to demand I tell him what I honestly meant by those words. He didn’t just kinda get right in my face.
I will be eternally grateful. That grateful is not the kinda kind of grateful. That being grateful, all these years later, still lingers as I write, speak and engage others in meaningful conversation.
Therefore, when your own teasing me about this post settles down (which has me laughing outloud as I type…not just sorta laughing and sorta typing…), let’s be good enough friends to help each other communicate clearly. Enough of the sloppiness, and such. ;-)
I believe you get what I’m proposing. This is war. For your benefit. For mine. For all those with whom we will communicate for the rest of our days.
Got that? Good. In fact, excellent…….!!!
*** That good friend is Ken Davis: His Dynamic Communicators Workshops are significant for anyone who has the desire to improve in their communication skills, no matter the size of the crowd, 1 to 1, or you speaking before dozens to hundreds:
Eternally, thank you, Ken, for getting in my face. Your investment in me, and hundreds of others (more likely thousands than just hundreds…) has paid dividends that show up every day of my life. Keep at it, my friend. Thank you!!! (74+115)
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