As the sun makes its way up over the horizon of today, the quiet before the day's appointments begin is one of the treasured times of my life, most mornings. Often, in the valued quiet, this is a time of reviewing yesterday, peering into tomorrow, and focusing on today.
This week mentoring moments with emerging leaders will find me (in alpha order...) Skyping, FaceTiming, or in person, spending time with some exceptional men and women from Arizona, Florida, Georgia, Malaysia, Texas, Virginia...and of course, here in Colorado. The age range will be from late teens to early 60's.
Some of those exceptional souls are staring in the face some significant obstacles. Others are experiencing moments of awareness that come from having correctly tackled some obstacles they have overcome. And still others are wondering what's next in their unfolding lives.
The leader I visited with first today, via FaceTime, has recently taken advantage of our Circle of Life Mentoring Workshop that was recently hosted in Marietta, Georgia. This friend, a young businessman, whom I've mentored now for close to three years, who has experienced some significant change in his work place/career and family size, is thinking deeply about his life in all 8 Dimensions of the Circle of Life Mentoring Model.
Carefully, during this calendar year, via Leadership Design Group's website, we are giving glimpses of what this life-giving, life-changing, life-forming model is all about. With this week's post about the Physical Dimension of the Circle of Life we have now completed a look at all 8 of those dimensions. Click on what is highlighted in that last sentence to read and explore what has been written about those dimensions.
By the time 2016 concludes, 250 days from this date, you will have been given 52 thoughts about mentoring from members of our team and myself. As a friend stated yesterday, "What you are doing is a very important weekly reminder about how I long to be living out my life. I look forward to be challenged to keep growing in all of my own life."
The journey through our mentoring model began with this post at the beginning of 2016. It is my sincere hope that you will take these thoughts, ponder them well, and be further committed to be fully alive in all of who you are, out of all you have been designed to be, as you live into the remaining 2/3rds of 2016.
Where did these first 4 months of this year go...........? How fully alive, and now future focused, are you planning, hoping, dedicated to being in the rest of 2016? What a journey we are all on.....................
What all aRe you intentionally planning to do with the seasons of your life in 2016? There are 250 days from today to make a solid difference in our world before this year fades into 2017. I hope and pray that you are also committed to living life to the full in every dimension of your own "wild and precious" life!