...taken in late May of 1976 at grad school commencement...
As this day comes to a gentle close, my mind keeps wandering back to 40 years ago tomorrow. VeRy loNg tender story, way short, our beautiful daughter, Shannon was born, and we, via heavenly intervention, were chosen to be her parents via the miracle of adoption.
Still in grad school in Denver, not sure of where we would land after school (...and there are not enough words in the English dictionary to describe my thanks that we remain in Colorado!), this special girl-child was birthed in Southern California...and via early jet travel we were there to hear her first cry and hold her for the first time when she was less than an hour old. Not just through the "magic eyes" of being new parents, but even from the doctors who attended to her birth, so many said that a more beautiful baby girl few had ever seen.
About a month after her birth, I graduated from Denver Seminary (Judy's nursing skills unselfishly putting hubby through...), and we began the wild and wonderful journey of being a family. The Mom, named Judy***, and the daughter, named Shannon, each, in their own ways, are sincerely thoroughly remarkable women. I am blessed beyond words.
40 years as a family. 49 years of marriage. 70+ years of life for we two parents. 40 years of being parents to this truly beautiful woman we call beloved daughter...I am humbled at our God's persistent and consistent blessing in all of our lives.
What a life. So grateful. So deeply grateful....................
...taken in Rocky Mountain National Park, Summer of 2015...
***yup, the new Mom had braces in that top pic...
Amen Wes 32 years ago we adopted our son Nate. Yes adoption is a great idea. Huh? Isn't it God's idea.
Posted by: Mike and Mary Lundberg | April 29, 2016 at 03:37 PM